Proverbs 31 - A Wife of Noble Character

........Oh, to be this strong, this wise, this fair....that's what this blog is about after all...... Learning to live well and love well and to do all things for His glory...


Friday, July 31, 2009

A Clothing Coup

You probably already know that my sweet girl is VERY opinionated when it comes to her clothing. She refuses to wear pants without pockets, long sleeves, turtlenecks, and anything with a "ruffle" (the little "gathers" on sleeves). Shopping with her is about as fun as a root canal, and she's only four!

Nonetheless, I had a wonderful experience buying school clothes this year. I took the latest Lands End catalog and removed every page except those which had clothing I liked. I explained that the clothes in this catalog were the ones she needed for her new big girl school. Then I gave Sophie the catalog and a pen telling her to circle the things she wanted. Easy peasy.

I figure I can keep this up until she can actually read!

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