Proverbs 31 - A Wife of Noble Character

........Oh, to be this strong, this wise, this fair....that's what this blog is about after all...... Learning to live well and love well and to do all things for His glory...


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Baby Talk

A few "Sophisms"to make you smile:
  • "Glitterbox" - Where the cat in "It stinks in here. Skittles must've just used the "glitterbox."
  • "Dude" - A form of the verb "DO" in "Mama, I "dude" it by my own."
  • "Chickalay" - The restaurant "Chic-Fil-A."
  • "Bleed" - Noun form of an injury necessitating a in "I've got a "bleed."

My brain is mushy today since I've already forgotten to take my sweet mother-in-law for PT so I suppose that is all I'll be able to recall for now!

1 comment:

Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom said...

Hehehe that is serious adorableness right there. ;P Sounds like you've got a sweet one!