Proverbs 31 - A Wife of Noble Character

........Oh, to be this strong, this wise, this fair....that's what this blog is about after all...... Learning to live well and love well and to do all things for His glory...


Friday, May 22, 2009

Answered Prayer

I've been praying for quite a while, and I'm confident that God always answers my prayers. Sometimes, I "get what I want." Other times, He says "No" or "Wait." These are not my preferred answers, but it happens as often as not.

Yesterday, we had spent the morning at the garden. Tomatoes were staked; weeds pulled, rows hoed, and seeds planted. As we were leaving, I told Sophie that we needed to pray for rain so "we would have good healthy vegetables to eat this summer." We said a quick prayer asking just for that when suddenly the rain started pouring down. Literally. I said "Amen," and Sophie said, "Oh, Mommy. Look!" It was just amazing!

I hope God answers your prayers today.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Baby Talk

Yet another Sophism:
  • "Hankersniff" - Hankerchief

Also, the child thinks that Jesus has a last name. When she prays, she calls Him "Jesus Price" rather than "Jesus Christ."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Baby Talk

A few "Sophisms"to make you smile:
  • "Glitterbox" - Where the cat in "It stinks in here. Skittles must've just used the "glitterbox."
  • "Dude" - A form of the verb "DO" in "Mama, I "dude" it by my own."
  • "Chickalay" - The restaurant "Chic-Fil-A."
  • "Bleed" - Noun form of an injury necessitating a in "I've got a "bleed."

My brain is mushy today since I've already forgotten to take my sweet mother-in-law for PT so I suppose that is all I'll be able to recall for now!

An Ode to Moms

Kudos to Nancy Campbell who has penned a fabulous "Poem to Encourage Mothers." I couldn't have said it better myself, so I won't even try. Read the poem though. It is sure to make you smile!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Bedtime Gem

I just love to hear what my child prays about at bedtime. Sometimes, she asks God to bless every single person and animal she knows (except me, of course!) by listing each name. Sometimes, she says the dinner blessing. Sometimes she preaches like Billy Graham. Last night, we had a fun one:

Dear Lord (insert Southern accent here - "Dee-ahr Lawd"),
God bless Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. I hope you have a good day tomorrow. AMEN.

Ain't that SWEET??